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File Application.cpp

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#include "Application.hpp"
#include "exception/JsonEmptyObjectException.h"
#include "exception/JsonParseException.h"
#include "exception/JsonBadFormatObjectException.h"
#include <stdio.h>

Application::Application(int updateIntervalSec, AppConfig& appConfig)
    : appConfig(appConfig) {
    this->updateIntervalSec = updateIntervalSec;

JSONVar Application::requestJson(std::string httpUrlBase, std::string httpUrlParam) {
    // if(httpUrlParam.find("?") == std::string::npos) {
    //     httpUrlParam = httpUrlParam + "?api_key=" + appConfig.apiKey;
    // // } else if(httpUrlParam.find("&")==std::string::npos) {
    // //     httpUrlParam = httpUrlParam + "&api_key=" + appConfig.apiKey;
    // } else {
    //     httpUrlParam = httpUrlParam + "&api_key=" + appConfig.apiKey;
    // }

    auto payload = appConfig.getHTTPRequest(httpUrlBase + httpUrlParam);

    printf("Request payload: %s\n", payload.c_str());
    JSONVar httpPayload = JSON.parse(payload.c_str());

    if (JSON.typeof(httpPayload) == "undefined") {
        printf("DUPLICATED: Parsing input failed!\n");
        throw JsonParseException();

    // {"data": "Nen\u00ed zad\u00e1no stop_id nebo post_id", "status": "error"}
    if (!httpPayload.hasOwnProperty("status") || !httpPayload.hasOwnProperty("data")) {
        Serial.println("DUPLICATED: JSON object is empty or does't have properity 'status' or 'data'!");
        throw JsonEmptyObjectException();

    // {"data": "Nen\u00ed zad\u00e1no stop_id nebo post_id", "status": "error"}
    // Serial.print("Status:");
    // Serial.println((const char*)httpPayload["status"]);

    // if(((const char*)httpPayload["status"]) == "error") {
    //     Serial.println( std::string((const char*)httpPayload["data"]).c_str() );
    //     throw JsonBadFormatObjectException();
    // }

    return httpPayload;

int Application::getUpdateIntervalSec() {
    return this->updateIntervalSec;

int Application::update(GxEPD* display) {
    JSONVar data = requestJson(appConfig.httpUrlBase, httpUrlParams.at(httpUrlParamKey));
    return showDataOnDisplay(display, data);